Who needs to comply?

Self assessment questionnaire

1 Step 1
Company Information
Does your entity employ 50 or more people (including temporary staff AND / OR Temporary Employee Service staff members procured from the TES for an indefinite duration or longer than three months) OR Is your entity a Government / State institution? OR Is your entity bound by a collective agreement Bargaining Council?
Non-designated employer, please answer the next question
Designated Employer, please submit your form, EECMS will be in contact to assist you.
Does your entity employ less than 50 people and provide any services and / or products to the State, as defined?
Non-designated employer, please answer the next question
Does your entity employ less than 50 people and requires an annual BBBEE certificate?
Non-designated employer, but in need of Section 16B certificate, please submit your form, EECMS will be in contact to assist you.
Non-designated employer, but in need of Section 16B certificate, please submit your form, EECMS will be in contact to assist you.
Non-designated employer, you can deregister from the DEL portal, please submit your form, EECMS will be in contact to assist you.

Employers who employ 50 or more employees